Appreciating 5 years of service with Cardiac Vision
Heather started with cardiac vision in 2014. Heather was in PA school when we first were introduced, and she was my first student that shadowed me throughout the hospital as well as nursing homes. She turned out to be an awesome student. Most importantly those days we would round till 8 pm at times and that didn’t faze her at all. She asked if she could work under me as all the upcoming grads were looking for a job. The only thing I remember her saying was “I just want to be with a good mentor and good work environment” she said right now that’s the most important priority. I couldn’t pass that up so she was hired right away and just by being herself we became so busy. She wasn’t just great at vitals and urine output, but she was super smart and later I found out she was the class valedictorian!! Heather started at least 25% of the SNF’s we are in today. Like Kari, she drove across town and was just driven to be the best at what she does. Till this day, she says I just want to be in a good workplace and the rest will take care of itself. Thank you for putting culture as the top priority as this practice continues to have that same vibe since we started!!
Kari started with us in 2016. She is one of our 2022 providers of the year! She had a baby and took time off but was one of our top 5 providers with the most encounters. Since she started in 2016, she never complained when we didn’t have a physical office to meet instead of at Starbucks or Panera. She sees all her patients and notes done on time then find time to mingle with all the PCP providers. Many times, she was offered better contracts or opportunities but stayed. Sometimes the nursing homes would be located across town, and she never minded. On top of that she would take weekend call with me to round at the hospital. When I would round, all she wanted was to be a great cardiac provider and just learn as much as possible. You can tell she truly loved cardiology and had that drive to be a great provider. And it was and is this passion that always led her to get referrals, respect from her peers/facilities, and patients. Two years ago, she also came to Washington State to help start and teach our first cardiac providers rounding at SNFs. Till this day, some of the DON’s remember her because of the way she carried herself. No words can express how much she has meant to Cardiac Vision and my family. Thank you, Kari!!!
Brianna was our first house call provider. She started in 2017 out of Mayo. She contacted us when we were trying to figure out how to help our house call and home health partners. Since then, she truly is passionate about house calls and working in assisted living. Her schedule consisted of going to nursing homes then doing private homes. For one patient she would drive from one end to the other. There were many times she would drive miles for one patient and find out that no one was home. This did not phase her at all. In fact, she would reschedule it on her drive back. These disappointments were daily with house calls, but she was persistent. After seeing this, I realized she legitimately likes this job and she wasn’t crazy for leaving her previous job. Thanks to her attitude and perseverance we have at least 6 providers doing house calls, developed this model in other states, and found a compensation model that is truly rewarding to all providers. Thank you!!
Dena has been with us since 2017. She came as we were catching momentum and Heather possibly had to move out of Jax for a couple years for family reasons. It was Kari’s recommendation, so we moved forward as peer-to-peer candidates worked out the best. Not to disappoint Dena fit right in and the facilities loved her personality and care. She was always there to cover for any provider that was sick. Her reasoning for her motivation was very similar to Heather and Brianna’s; it’s about the team and culture. Dena realized how the model works quickly and how to appease primary in the buildings. Wherever she went, her buildings were busy. I called the rest of the 3 providers to let everyone know that we are not a growing practice but a practice that will help each other and be small. Dena complied as well as the other 2 providers and now the group was like “Charlie’s Angels”. I knew subconsciously that this was something special and Dena made us all realize there are other providers out there that would love this and the facilities as well. Thank you, Dena, for giving us the belief and drive to be something bigger than what we have imagined.
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